Friday, October 9, 2009

TR's Square Deal

1. How did Roosevelt create the modern presidency?

Roosevelt created the modern presidency because he was the first president to use the media to promote his actions and achivements. He also used the presidency as an influential tool.
2. How did Roosevelt's intervention in a coal strike set a precedent for federal arbitration?

Roosevelt's intervention in a coal strike set the precident for federal arbitration because after that the government was expected to intervine in other strikes, thus proving that experts were not needed to solve things a nd that the government should.
3. What did Roosevelt do to the trusts and railroads?

Roosevelt started govermnent regulation for the trusts and railroads.
4. What legislation passed during Roosevelt's presidency protected citizens?

Roosevelt passed the Pure Food and Drug Act to protect citizens.
5. What did Roosevelt do to protect the environment?

Roosevelt proteced the enviorment by establishing more national parks and trued to protect national wonders without squandering the nations resources.

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