Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Woodrow Wilson Fights for Peace

1. What was Wilson's 14th Point?
Wilson's 14th point was the creation of the league of nations.
2. What terms of the treaty specifically affected Germany?
Germany had to pay $33 billion dollars to the allies, couldn't have an army, and had to give land back to France.
3. What were the weaknesses of the treaty?
The treaty made a lot of people angry preventing lasting peace with things such as the guilt clause, as well as Germany's inability to pay the debt. Also Russia and colonies in Asia didn't get what they wanted.
4. Why did Henry Cabot Lodge object to the treaty?
Henry Cabot Lodge objected to the treaty because he wanted congresses right to declare war in the treaty as well as the League of Nations gone.
5. How did Wilson help bring about the Senate's rejection of the treaty?
Wilson brought about the Senate's rejection of the treaty by refusing to compromise on the League of Nations and by ignoring the Republican majority in Congress.
6. What circumstances at this time would eventually lead many Germans to support Adolf Hitler?
At the time the German people were angry that the war was ended and wanted to start another in order to regain their position in the world and restore their honor.
7. Who is George Clemenceau?
George Clemenceau was the French premier at the time of the end of the war.
8. Who is David Lloyd George?
David Lloyd George was the British prime minister at the end of the war.
9. Describe the participation of Russia at the peace conference.
Russia did not go to the peace conference because they were not invited and did not have a controlled situation in their country.

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