Monday, March 1, 2010

"Isolationism" and FDR (1935 - 1941)

1. What were the goals of the isolationists? Why is "isolationism" a misleading term?
The isolationsist wanted to keep America out of future wars in Europe. Isolationism is a misleading word because it seems to suggest compleat isolation but in reality is just millitary isolation.
2. What did some isolationists feel that there was no need for Americans to feel threatened by developments in Europe and Asia?
Some isolationists felt that there was no need to feel threatened by developments in Europe and Asia because the Atlantic and Pacific oceans would prevent America from geting involved in anything across them.
3. What were the purposes of the Nye Committee hearings?
The Nye Committee hearings were hearings that investigated the reasons why America entered the first world war. Nye hoped that they would prevent entry into WWII
4. List two impressions that the Nye Committee hearings created.
The Nye Committee hearings created the impressions that the US entered the war so that componies could gain priffits from it as well as the feeling that big buissines and banks would get them into the second world war.
5. What were the purposes of the Neutrality Acts?
The Neutrality Acts were created to maintain U.S neutrality from the wars by preventing commerce for a little while. However their were many loopholes.
6. List two reasons that some Americans considered Roosevelt's leadership radical and dangerous.
Two reasons that American's felt that Roosevelt's leadership was radical and dangerous were hies attempt to pack the Supreem Court and that he tryed for a third term at president
7. What was "Cash and Carry"?
"Cash and Carry" allowed the U.S to trade with beligerants as long as they payed for and took the goods themselves.
8. Why did President Roosevelt freeze Japanese assets in the United States?
Roosevelt froze Japanese assets in the U.S in order to stop further Japanese agression by denying them resources.
9. What was the purpose of the America First Committee?
The America First Committee was created in order to keep the U.S out of war, while still protecting the U.S from foreighn threat.

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