Wednesday, March 10, 2010

War for Europe and North Africa - Part II

6. What was D-Day?
D-Day was an invasion by the Allies accross the English Channel. They specificaly attacked three beaches at Normandy with aroung 3 million troops.There were also paratroopers that attacked the night before as well as a large navel bombardment. This wa the largest land-sea-air operation in recorded history.
7. What happened at the Battle of the Bulge?
At the Battle of the Bulge Hitler tried one last offensive to try and defeat the Allies. His attack formed a bulge into the Allied lines, trying to split the Americans from the British. It lasted for a month and eventualy the Germans were defeted and pushed back. They would never have the resources or men to mount an attack again.
8. What did Allied troops find in Germany?
The Allied troops found the Death Camps in Germany, where thousands of people were kille din each.
9. What happened to Hitler? What happened to F.D. Roosevelt? Who became U.S. President?
Hitler commited suicide after giving one last speach in which he blamed every one else for the war and its failure. F.D.R died shortly into his fourth term as president from a stroke before V-E Day. Harry S. Truman became the next President.

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